RWANDA | Gito Natural

Juicy flavor reminiscent of cranberry and blackcurrant. Tropical sweetness of Bourbon is also attractive. It is a natural process coffee that is rare in Rwanda, with a large volume of liquid and a complex fruitiness.
Cranberry Cassis Tropical Juicy

"Gito" means "small" in the local language, Kinyarwanda. This coffee was made by selecting small parchment grains based on their density and collecting only the highest density A1 grade.
It boasts an incredible cup quality considering that it was initially outside the export standard, and it is a lot that can be said to be a pioneer of the coffee that is not limited by screen size that has been seen in recent years. The distribution of "Gito", which was hidden within the standard, is expected to lead to an increase in supply to the market for producing areas, improved profits for CWS, and improved lives of farmers.

From the roaster's perspective, there is also the benefit of being able to purchase high-quality coffee at a low cost. Introducing undiscovered, wonderful coffee that is outside of existing export standards can be said to be a sustainable activity that creates benefits for both producing and consuming countries.
“Gito” is made up of A1 grade cherries from three CWS (Kirimbi, Lugari and Gisheke) in Nyamasheke District in western Rwanda.
The coffee that has been processed at each CWS is brought to the company's dry mill at Lugari CWS, where it is screened again and only beans with size 13-14 are collected together, color-sorted to remove underripe beans, and then hand-sorted to thoroughly remove all defective beans.

Country of Origin: Rwanda
Area/ Western Province, Nyamasheke District
Elevation: 1,550m - 1,850m
Variety: Bourbon
Purification method: Natural
Klopp/ 2022/23
Roast level: Medium light roast
*This item is not available for online purchase.